Welcome To My World

Blog. What is a blog exactly? I knew I wanted to make one, but had no idea what it really was. So I looked up the definition on dictionary.com.

Blog: Noun

A website containing a writer’s own experiences, observations, opinions, ect., and often having images and links to other websites.  

After reading the definition, my mind read it like this: A create-your-own website to spill all of your emotions out for the world to see and judge, but your right and everyone else is wrong

Maybe that is my ADHD mind thinking. On the other hand, I have to say; I have read some great blogs that are unique and inspiring. And on the flipside, I have read some way too personal emotional blogs that are probably better off talking to a therapist about than the internet, because in the end, nobody really cares about all your problems, because we all have them.

I want to share with you my thoughts on creating this blog and what I am going to use it for. If the URL doesn’t give it away, I want to find a way to help find FUN, NEW, COOL interesting ideas and topics off all kinds. I would prefer it to appeal to both gender types, men and women if possible. Whether it be about a book I highly recommend, places to travel, places I have been, celebrities, working life, COFFEE, the TV show Scandal, or whatever else seems to be “IN”.

I’ll post as often as I can, and PICTURES! Pictures are worth 1000 words. I love pictures. And selfies. I love selfies. HEY! What a good idea for a first topic, “Selfies”. Gosh, there are already so many thoughts about selfies running through my head that I can dish about later. Can’t wait.

Until then, I leave you with an inspiring quote to get your week started on this fine Monday morning. Here goes.


“Bitch better have my money” – Rihanna